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Spilling The Tea About Matcha

Matcha is proving to be the new storm in a teacup. We’re spilling the tea on this new trend.

Green tea is known for its many benefits when consumed as part of a healthy diet, but it’s being far outshined by the other green drink taking over: matcha. Although only becoming popular recently, this type of tea has been around for centuries.

Grass Roots

Naturally sweet in flavour, matcha is a finely milled green-tea powder that is mixed with hot water. The drink formed part of a traditional Japanese tea ceremony called chanoyu, which dates back to the 12th century. The purpose of this ceremony was to emphasise the importance of being present in every moment through the act of preparing and serving the tea, as each encounter is different from the last, and should thus be treasured.

Going Green

What makes this drink different from other tea is its nutritional value. One cup of matcha is equivalent to 10 cups of green tea in antioxidant content. This is because with other tea, such as green tea, the tea leaf is infused in hot water, so you’re getting only a portion of its nutrients. Drinking a cup of matcha, on the other hand, means that you are consuming the entire tea leaf – and all the good things that come with it. Matcha is said to help improve brain function, protect the liver and stave off certain cancers.

Matcha Moves

From muffins to lattes, matcha is showing up in a wide range of food and drink creations – but that doesn’t mean the nutritional value remains the same. Reaping the full health benefits of matcha depends on the way in which it is prepared and consumed. Your best bet for the whole package is just a simple cup of tea.

Photography: Courtesy Images