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Your Guide To Moisture-Locked Skin

The chilly winter season has arrived and it’s not only the ladies who are in desperate need of winter hydration. With a little TLC and an extra skinvestment, you can combat the havoc winter wreaks on your skin The art of layering hydration may feel somewhat daunting but IT is essential to combating dryness and rosacea, and ultimately protecting your skin before it takes strain. Not quite sure how to do this? Keep reading…


Your step-by-step guide to moisture-locked skin, day and night: 

Drink lots of water
It may seem obvious, and by now it should be, but hydration starts on the inside. Load up on tons of water and fresh produce to boost your nutrient and water intake. The health of your skin is a reflection of what you put into your body!

Oil Cleansers
They’re less drying than soapy formulas. You want to aim for a cleanser that assists in balancing your sebum and cleaning your pores without stripping it, which leads to tightness and dryness. Bonus points for silky products that leave a moisturised layer after a rinse.

Invest in nourishing active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, peptides and ceramides. Here active ingredients that complement and support your skins concerns is your first line of defence against moisture loss. Actives target imbalances and lock in your natural moisture.

Hydrating Facial Oil
This is an optional extra as many skin types may not need an oil. If oils scare you, know that a lightweight formula offers extra moisture without a heavy or wet skin-feel and assists acne-prone and oily skins by preventing the skin’s need to kick into producing even more oil. If this seems counterintuitive, remember that stripping oily or acne-prone skin too much, leads to flagging the overproduction from your sebaceous glands as they read the lack of sebum as a cue to top up. Keeping a healthy moisture balance leads to more balanced sebaceous activity. A light oil can be beneficial for a comfortable skin-feel below your barrier creams and sunscreen, more yummy hydration to lock in too! 

Heavier barrier cream
Opt for a balm or cream with more occlusive ingredients and humectants that form a protective layer on the surface of your skin. Occlusive ingredients are insoluble in water, a few obvious examples: petroleum jelly, silicone or dimethicone and zinc oxides. Humectants on the other hand increase the skin’s ability to hold onto water. They include glycerine, sorbitol, urea, seaweed extract, hyaluronic acid and alpha hydroxy acids.

Physical sunscreen
Yes, even in winter! Opt for a formula that has a low sheen, high protective factor (SPF 30 or higher) and easily absorbs.

Be extra
Treat yourself to an exfoliating or overnight mask to boost hydration. Opt for masks that include actives and the yummy moisturising ingredients your skin needs to take a break, heal and thrive.

Make it a bonding ritual
If a proper skin regime is intimidating and you have a partner, do your face care together as a morning and evening ritual as often as possible. If your partner is more clued-up, follow their lead and reward them with a face massage. If you’re more clued-up, take the lead
and make it a bonding experience. It may earn you brownie points that convert into the extra winter cuddles or that special cup of hot chocolate you’re craving. 


Words by Stefanie Titus-Petersen
Photography: Unsplashed, Courtesy Images

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